10:00~10:10  Q&A 10:10~10:30 Coffee Break B. Mechanisms 부정맥학회
VT Symposium 2017
2017년 11월 4일(토) 서울삼성병원 대강당

Session 1.  좌장: 곽충환(경상의대), 신동구(영남의대)
09:00~09:20  The Role of VT Ablation in the Latest Guideline 김주연(가톨릭의대)   
09:20~09:40  The Role of MR Imaging in VT Ablation 김성목(성균관의대)
09:40~10:00  The Role of Autonomic Function and Ventricular Arrhythmias  최의근(서울의대)
10:00~10:20  Mechanisms of VT: Idiopathic, Ischemic, non-ischemic 정보영(연세의대)  
10:20~10:35  Panel Discussion 이영수(대구가톨릭의대), 김진배(경희의대),
심재민(고려의대), 박형욱(전남의대)
10:35~10:50 Coffee Break
Session 2.  좌장: 노태호(가톨릭의대), 이만영(가톨릭의대)
10:50~11:05 ECG localization of idiopathic VT site of origin: outflow tract VT 이기홍(전남의대)   
11:05~11:20 ECG localization of VT site of origin: non-outflow tract VT 김유리(가톨릭의대)   
11:20~11:35 Clinical Outcomes of Catheter Ablation for Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias 최종일(고려의대)
11:35~11:50 Electrogram Morphology–what can it tell us about myocardial electroarchitecture and arrhythmogenicity? 남기병(울산의대)  
11:50~12:05 Panel Discussion 남궁준(인제의대), 엄재선(연세의대),
김남호(원광의대), 박형섭(계명의대)
12:05~13:00 Lunch
Session 3.  좌장: 김윤년(계명의대), 최기준(울산의대)
13:00~13:20 How to define the VT Reentry Circuit in structural heart disease 한성욱(계명의대)   
13:20~13:40  ECG and clinical clue: When to “go” epicardial?  박희남(연세의대)
13:40~14:00  Epicardial Ablation for VT in Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathy: Think once, think twice?  Soejima Kyoko(Keio University) 
14:00~14:20  Image Integration to Facilitate VT Ablation 고성민 (건국의대)   
14:20~14:30 Panel Discussion 온영근(성균관의대), 황교승(아주의대),
김준형(충남의대), 박환철(한양의대) 
Session 4.  좌장: 이만영(가톨릭의대), 차태준(고신의대)
14:30~14:45 Debate: Ablation should be the first line therapy for patients with appropriate ICD shocks    Pro:  박상원 (세종병원)  
14:45~15:00 Con: 김준 (울산의대)   
15:00~15:10 Rebuttals and Discussion  
15:10~15:30 Coffee Break
Session 5.  좌장: 오동진(한림의대), 김대경(인제의대)
15:30~15:50 How to differentiate the Ventricular Tachycardia Originating from 
Papillary Muscles, Purkinje Network and Cardiac Crux.
Mitsuharau Kawamura (Showa University)  
15:50~16:10 Substrate mapping for unstable ventricular tachycardia  오용석(가톨릭의대)
16:10~16:30 Exercise and ARVC: Implications for Diagnosis and Management  조용근(경북의대)  
16:30~16:50 Catheter Ablation of VT in Patients with ARVC  박경민(성균관의대)  
16:50~17:00 Panel Discussion 임홍의(고려의대), 김대혁(인하의대),
장성원(가톨릭의대), 정병천(파티마병원) 
Case Presentation 좌장: 온영근(성균관의대),
17:00~17:10 VT/PVC ablation Case 1 강기운(을지의대)  
17:10~17:20 VT/PVC ablation Case 2 박준범(이대의대)  
17:20~17:30 Closing Remarks and Adjourn