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2018 심전도신호연구회 심포지엄 (KSHNE 2018)
2018년 12월 8일(토)  ㅣ  삼성서울병원 대강당
08:00~08:50  Registration 
08:50~09:00  Opening 
08:50~08:55  Opening Remarks  김준수(심전도신호연구회 회장) 
08:55~09:00  Congratulatory Remarks   김영훈(대한부정맥학회 회장)
09:00~10:20  Non-invasive tests for lethal ventricular arrhythmia or sudden cardiac death 
  좌장: 김준수(성균관의대), 김대혁(인하의대)
  패널: 이대인(충북의대), 박환철(한양의대), 박형섭(계명의대)
09:00~09:20  Pathophysiology and clinical use of T-Wave Alternans (TWA)  황교승(아주의대)
09:20~09:40  Technical aspect of quantification and measurement of TWA  허기나(GE Healthcare)
09:40~10:00  Pathophysiology and clinical use of Heart Rate Turbulence (HRT)  최종일(고려의대)
10:00~10:20  Technical aspect of quantification and measurement of HRT  허기나(GE Healthcare)
10:20~10:40  Break Time
10:40~12:00  Non-invasive tests for lethal ventricular arrhythmia or sudden cardiac death 
  좌장: 신동구(영남의대), 남궁준(인제의대)
  패널: 차명진(서울의대), 안민수(원주연세의대), 박예민(가천의대)
10:40~11:00  Pathophysiology and clinical use of Heart Rate Variability (HRV)   고점석(원광의대)
11:00~11:20  Pathophysiology and clinical use of BaroReflex Sensitivity (BRS)  천광진(강원의대)
11:20~11:40  Technical aspect of quantification and measurement of BRS  이주현(온세메디컬)
11:40~12:00  KSHNE 총회 
12:00~13:00  Lunch
13:00~14:20  Prediction of arrhythmia using 12-lead, exercise, holter ECGs, and loop recorders
  좌장: 남기병 (울산의대), 김남호 (원광의대)
  패널: 김진석 (고려의대), 이영수 (대구카톨릭의대), 강구현 (성균관의대)
13:00~13:20  Clinical implication of prolonged ECG monitoring for cryptogenic stroke  김유리(가톨릭의대)
13:20~13:40  Prediction of AF using exercise-/holter-based ECG  박경민(성균관의대)
13:40~14:00  Artificial intelligence for early detection of arrhythmia  박준범(이화의대)
14:00~14:40  Detection of AF and quantification of its burden using implantable loop recorder:
 algorithm and technical aspects
 박주원(Abbott) / 주상영(Medtronic)
14:40~15:00  Wearable ECG monitoring solution: Nexmed Cardio S-Patch   삼성SDS
15:00~15:20  Break Time
15:20~16:15  Investigator meeting of K-REDEFINE study 
15:20~15:45  Protocol review and interim results  박승정(성균관의대)
15:45~16:05  연구 진행 상황  정지환(삼성서울병원 CRC/CRA)
16:05~16:15  안건 및 토의