■ KHRS 2020 Scientific Program

본 페이지에 게재된 학술자료는 지적재산권의 보호 대상으로써,
상업적인 용도나 배포를 목적으로 복사 또는 변형하거나,
다른 웹사이트에 게시하는 것을 금지합니다.

January 17 (Fri), 09:20-10:50, Room A
09:20-10:50   좌장: 조정관(전남의대), 오용석(가톨릭의대)  
09:20-09:40 Techniques of Differentiating SVT 최영(가톨릭의대)
09:40-10:00 Mapping and Ablation of Atypical AVNRT 이지현(서울의대)
10:00-10:20 Mapping and Ablation of Septal Bypass Tract 김민수(충남의대)
10:20-10:40 Differentiation and Ablation of Atypical Bypass Tract 조민수(울산의대)
10:40-10:50 Discussion  
anuary 17 (Fri), 11:10-12:30, Room A
11:10-12:30 좌장: 김유호(울산의대), 이만영(가톨릭의대)
11:10-11:25 How to do High Resolution Mapping for Atrial Arrhythmias 김준(울산의대)
11:25-11:40 Mapping and Ablation of Perinodal AT 박형욱(전남의대)
11:40-11:55 RFCA for Atypical Atrial Flutter 권창희(건국의대)
11:55-12:10 My Difficult SVT Cases 1 엄재선(연세의대)
12:10-12:30 Discussion  
AF 1
January 17 (Fri), 13:30-15:00, Room A
13:30-15:00 좌장: 한성욱(계명의대), 온영근(성균관의대)
13:30-13:45 PV Isolation in the High-Density Mapping Era: Do we need to revise the Definition of PVI? 김영훈(고려의대)
13:45-14:00 High Power and Short Duration RFCA in AF Ablation 김준(울산의대)
14:00-14:15 Non PV Triggers: Approach to Mapping and Ablation 권창희(건국의대)
14:15-14:30 Management of AT after AF Ablation:Insights from High Density Mapping 김진배(경희의대)
14:30-14:45 Risk of Stroke after Catheter Ablation of AF 심재민(고려의대)
14:45-15:00 Redo AF Ablation: All PVs were Isolated. What should I do for the Next Step? 박희남(연세의대)
AF 2
January 17 (Fri), 15:20-16:50, Room A
15:20-16:40 좌장: 김영훈(고려의대), 오용석(가톨릭의대)
15:20-15:35 The Effect of AF Ablation; Real-World Data and RCT 정보영(연세의대)
15:35-15:50 How to achieve permanent PV isolation using RF energy? 최의근(서울의대)
15:50-16:05 How to Minimize Fluoroscopy Exposure during AF or AT Ablation? 임홍의(한림의대)
16:05-16:20 How to Minimize the Risk of Complications in AF Ablation? 고점석(원광의대)
16:20-16:35 How to Select Cryoablation or Catheter Ablation in AF Patients? 노승영(고려의대)
16:35-16:40 Discussion  
16:40-17:10 대한부정맥학회 정기총회  
January 17 (Fri), 09:20-10:50, Room B
09:20-10:50 좌장: 현명철(경북의대)
09:20-09:35 Update of Pediatric WPW Syndrome  윤자경(세종병원)
09:35-09:50 Management of Pediatric VT 반지은(이화의대)
09:50-10:05 Early Postoperative Arrhythmia in Congenital Heart Disease  백재숙(울산의대)
10:05-10:20 Arrhythmia in Patients with Congenital Heart Disease 엄재선(연세의대)
10:20-10:35 Pitfalls of Pediatric Device Therapy  송미경(서울의대)
10:35-10:50    Discussion  
January 17 (Fri), 11:10-12:30, Room B
11:10-12:30 좌장: 황교승(아주의대), 남궁준(인제의대) 
11:10-11:25 The Struggle Against OHCA in Korea (OHCA Epidemiology) 오동진(한림의대)
11:25-11:40 Causes of SCD and ICD Prevention in Korea  최종일(고려의대)
11:40-11:55 SCD in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 박예민(가천의대)
11:55-12:10 Cardiac Image and Arrhythmia 박준범(이화의대)
12;10-12:25 Drug Challenge Test, Drug-Induced Early Repolarization 윤남식(전남의대)
12:25-12:30 Discussion  
January 17 (Fri), 13:30-15:00, Room B
13:30-15:00 좌장: 이경석(전북의대), 정중화(조선의대) 
13:30-13:45 Exercise in Patients with Inherited Arrhythmias 조용근(경북의대)
13:45-14:10 State-of-Art: Anti-Arrhythmic Drugs Therapy 남기병(울산의대)
14:10-14:25 Novel Antiarrhythmic Drugs 김진석(고려의대)
14:25-14:35 Genetic Basis in Drug Therapy for Arrhythmia 최종일(고려의대)
14:35-14:45 ARNI and Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia 최의근(서울의대)
14:45-15:00 Discussion  
MR Education Program
January 17 (Fri), 15:20-16:50, Room B
15:20-16:50 좌장: 한상진(한림의대) 
15:20-15:40 심방세동이란 (원인, 치료) 윤남식(전남의대)
15:40-16:00 심방세동 (뇌졸중예방, NOAC)  배한준(대구가톨릭의대)
16:00-16:20 부정맥 치료 방법 김태훈(연세의대)
16:20-16:40 부정맥 질환의 심각성 송인걸(건양의대)
16:40-16:50 Discussion  
Anatomy - Anatomy for Electrophysiologist
January 17 (Fri), 09:20-10:50, Room C
09:20-10:50 좌장: 서정욱(서울의대), 오세일(서울의대)
09:20-09:40 Anatomy for Electrophysiologist (Atrium) 서정욱(서울의대)
09:40-10:00 Anatomy for Electrophysiologist (Ventricle) 김정선(성균관의대)
10:00-10:50 실습 오세일, 서정욱, 김정선
January 17 (Fri), 11:10-12:30, Room C
11:10-12:30 좌장: 온영근(성균관의대), 성정훈(차의대) 
11:10-11:25 Principles of Electrogram Recording in EP Lab 오세일(서울의대)
11:25-11:40 Ex-Vivo Studies for Arrhythmia Research 윤남식(전남의대)
11:40-11:55 Magnetocardiographic Atrial F Wave Source Localization and Its Clinical Application 김두상(중앙보훈병원)
11:55-12:10 Arrhythmia in Acute MI 이찬희(영남의대)
12:10-12:30 Discussion  
January 17 (Fri), 13:30-15:00, Room C
13:30-15:00 좌장: 김준수(성균관의대), 신동구(영남의대) 
13:30-13:45 The Role of ILR in Frequent Syncope 강기운(을지의대)
13:45-14:00 AF Detection in CIED Patients 배한준(대구가톨릭의대)
14:00-14:15 Arrythmia Detection Using Wearable Device 안진희(부산의대)
14:15-14:30 Exercise Induced Syncope 오용석(가톨릭의대)
14:30-14:45 KHRS Syncope Guideline 조현준(대구파티마병원)
14:45-15:00 Discussion  
January 17 (Fri), 15:20-16:50, Room C
15:20-16:50 좌장: 황교승(아주의대), 김남호(원광의대) 
15:20-15:35 Considering Balance of Risk & Benefit; Catheter Ablation (AF/VT Ablation)  이성호(성균관의대)
15:35-15:50 Considering Balance of Risk & Benefit; LAA Occluder & PFO Device Closure 진은선(경희의대)
15:50-16:05 Future of Arrhythmia Treatment under Korean National Insurance System  임영민(안양샘병원)
16:05-16:20 Remote Health Care and Arrhythmia Management  김남호(원광의대)
16:20-16:50 Discussion  

VT 1
January 18 (Sat), 09:00-10:30, Room A
09:00-10:30 좌장: 곽충환(경상의대), 남기병(울산의대) 
09:00-09:15 Mechanism of Idiopathic VT 송인걸(건양의대)
09:15-09:30 ECG localization of OT VT 김준형(충남의대)
09:30-09:45 ECG localization of Idiopathic LV VT 곽혜빈(성균관의대)
09:45-10:00 RF Ablation of Idiopathic OT VT 이광노(고려의대)
10:00-10:15     RF Ablation of Idiopathic LV VT  박형섭(계명의대)
10:15-10:30     Discussion  
VT 2
January 18 (Sat), 10:40-12:10, Room A
10:40-12:10 좌장: 박희남(연세의대)
10:40-10:55 Mechanism of VT in Structural Heart Disease 조민수(울산의대)
10:55-11:10 ECG localization of VT in Structural Heart Disease 김태석(가톨릭의대)
11:10-11:25 Mapping & Ablation of Non-Ischemic VT  한성욱(계명의대)
11:25-11:40 Mapping & Ablation of Ischemic VT   박경민(성균관의대)
11:40-11:55 Noninvasive Cardiac Radioablatoin for VT 차명진(서울의대)
11:55 - 12:10     Discussion  
January 18 (Sat), 13:10-14:40, Room A
13:10-14:40 좌장: 장성원(가톨릭의대)
13:10-13:25 심전도 기록의 원리 신동금(한림의대)
13:25-13:40 심장의 구조와 전기생리 김윤기(고려의대)
13:40-13:55 맥박이 건너 뜀을 호소하는 환자의 심전도 정래영(전북의대)
13:55-14:10 경과 관찰을 권유할 수 있는 심전도 유희태(연세의대)
14:10-14:25 운동부하 심전도의 적응증과 판독 문희선(연세의대)
14:25-14:40 흉통을 호소하는 환자의 심전도와 CAG 이광노(고려의대)
January 18 (Sat), 15:00-16:30, Room A
15:00-16:30 좌장: 현대우(안동병원), 조상기(광주기독병원)
15:00-15:15 Holter, ILD가 필요한 환자의 임상 상황 김유리(동국의대)
15:15-15:30 약물 치료로 조절되는 심전도 김성수(조선의대)
15:30-15:45 도자절제술이 필요한 좁은 QRS 빈맥 정형기(전남의대)
15:45-16:00 도자절제술이 필요한 넓은 QRS 빈맥 심재민(고려의대)
16:00-16:15 인공 심박동기의 적응증이 되는 심전도 임우현(보라매병원)
16:15-16:30 제세동기의 적응증이 되는 심전도 박환철(한양의대)
January 18 (Sat), 09:00-10:30, Room B
09:00-10:30 좌장: 정병천(대구파티마병원)
09:00-09:15 Compared with Korean CIEDs Indications and AHA/ACC/HRS CIEDs Indications  현대우(안동병원)
09:15-09:30 How long of Sinus Pause is Long Enough to Justify a Permanent Pacemaker? 황진경(중앙보훈병원)
09:30-09:45 ICD for Primary Prevention: is now the Time to Revise the Indications? 김동혁(세종병원)
09:45-10:00 How to get the most out of Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy? : Role of Imaging, LV Implantation Site Selection, Programming and Follow up 성정훈(차의대)
10:00-10:15 His Bundle Pacing Versus Biventricular Pacing in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy : Hemodynamic Change and Electrophysiological Effects  배명환(경북의대)
10:15-10:30    Discussion  
January 18 (Sat), 10:40-12:10, Room B
10:40-12:10 좌장: 이명용(단국의대), 정병천(대구파티마병원) 
10:40-10:55 Management of CIED Lead Malfunction or Lead Realted Complication  정래영(전북의대)
10:55-11:10 Tips and Tricks to Prevent, Diagnose and Treat Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device (CIED) Infections  이문형(연세의대)
11:10-11:25 Management of High Defibrillation Threshold : ICD, SubQ ICD and CRT-D  박승정(성균관의대)
11:25-11:40 Indication of Lead Extraction for Non-Infected Cardiac Rhythm Devices: Recalled Lead, Abandoned Lead, and Lead Exchange  이한철(국민건강보험 일산병원)
11;40-11:55 The True Impact of Remote Monitoring on CV Outcomes  오일영(서울의대)
11:55-12:10 Discussion  
January 18 (Sat), 13:10-14:40, Room B
13:10-14:40 좌장: 김대혁(인하의대) 
13:10-13:25 Stroke in Atrial Fibrillation Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCMP) 양필성(차의대)
13:25-13:40 Risk Factor for Stroke in AF 김태훈(연세의대)
13:40-13:55 Real-World Guidelines Adherence for AF Management 이정명(경희의대)
13:55-14:10 Atrial Fibrillation and Dementia 김동민(단국의대)
14:10-14:25 Prognosis in Patients with AF According to HF Severity Category 이대인(충북의대)
14:25-14:40 Discussion  
January 18 (Sat), 15:00-16:30, Room B
15:00-16:30 좌장: 김대혁(인하의대), 신우승(강일병원)
15:00-15:15 Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation 이소령(서울의대)
15:15-15:30 Periprocedual Management in AF Patients Taking NOACs 유희태(연세의대)
15:30-15:45 Antithrombotic Therapy Post-PCI 황유미(가톨릭의대)
15:45-16:00 Korean Practical Guideline for NOAC  박진규(한양의대)
16:00-16:15 Update of LAA Occluder  신승용(중앙의대)
16:15-16:30 Discussion  
New Technology
January 18 (Sat), 09:00-10:30, Room C
09:00-10:30 좌장: 온영근(성균관의대), 김남호(원광의대)
09:00-09:15 Current Status of His Bundle Pacing 황종민(계명의대)
09:15-09:30 Subqutaneous ICD Implantation; Tip 박상원(세종병원)
09:30-09:45 Leadless Pacemakers 장성원(가톨릭의대)
09:45-10:00 Novel Wearable Devices in Cardiovascular Fields for Monitoring Arrhythmias 박영아(인제의대)
10:00-10:15 Cardiac Contractility Modulation 한상진(한림의대)
10:15-10:30 Discussion  
Smart AI
January 18 (Sat), 10:40-12:10, Room C
10:40-12:10 좌장: 김대혁(인하의대) 
10:40-10:55 The Relationship between Weather and Atrial Fibrillation 안진희(부산의대)
10:55-11:10 AI for PVC localization & Ablation 김유리(동국의대)
11:10-11:25 Deep Learning AI may Identify Atrial Fibrillation from a Normal ECG 백용수(인하의대)
11:25-11:40 Real Clinical Implication Using AI in  Hospital 권준명(세종병원)
11;40-11:55 Device-Detected AF and Its Proper Management for Stroke Prevention 이영수(대구가톨릭의대)
11:55-12:10 Discussion  
Master EGM Education Course 1
January 18 (Sat), 13:10-14:40, Room C
13:10-14:40 좌장: 김영훈(고려의대), 김준수(성균관의대), Chun Hwang(Revere Health) 
  Panel: 김도영, 진무년, 부기영, 문인태, 이의재 
Master EGM Education Course 2
January 18 (Sat), 15:00-16:30, Room C
15:00-16:30 좌장: 김영훈(고려의대), 남기병(울산의대), Chun Hwang(Revere Health) 
  Panel: 최하영, 민경진, 김인수, 김민,  
AP 1
January 18 (Sat), 09:00-09:45, Room D
09:00-09:45 좌장: 이현수(교대안암병원), 정동채(삼성서울병원)
패널: 박서광(부산대병원), 강성현(고대안암병원), 위보현(강원대병원), 김종래(대구가톨릭대병원), 유인오(중앙보훈병원)
09:00-09:10 What's Difference between a CATH.Lab and EP.Lab? 김형준(삼성서울병원)
09:10-09:20 Electrophysiological Mechanisms of Arrhythmias 유래한(여수제일병원)
09:20-09:30 Clinical Utility of Unipolar and Bipolar Recordings 손현우(연세대학교병원)
09:30-09:45 Discussion  
AP 2
January 18 (Sat), 09:45-10:30, Room D
09:45-10:30 좌장: 김정훈(전남대병원), 이창희(삼성서울병원)
패널: 김수지(분당서울대병원), 신현우(세종병원), 하영웅(서울성모병원), 권순호(건양대병원)
09:45-09:55 Pitfall and Interpretation of Para-Hisian Pacing 박정욱(서울성모병원)
09:55-10:05 Prevalence and Characteristics of Idiopathic Outflow Tract Tachycardia  정진용(서울아산병원)
10:05-10:15 Mapping and Ablation Strategies for Persistent Atrial Fibrillation 천광진(강원의대)
10:15-10:30 Discussion  
AP 3
January 18 (Sat), 10:40-11:35, Room D
10:40-11:35 좌장: 최현철(계명대 동산의료원), 심정섭(건국대병원)
패널: 유원우(연세세브란스병원), 조민준(충북대병원), 차미숙(길병원), 박지혜(서울대병원)
10:40-10:50 Approach and Mapping Technique for Epicardial Arrhythmias 김민수(울산의대)
10:50-11:00 Sedation in the Electrophysiology Laboratory 성주용(고대안암병원)
11:00-11:20 Reducing Radiation Exposure in an Electrophysiology Laboratory 김성욱(분당서울대병원)
11:20-11:35 Discussion  
AP 4
January 18 (Sat), 11:35-12:10, Room D
11:35-12:10 좌장: 강순옥(단국대병원), 유춘자(전북대병원)
패널: 최옥(분당서울대병원), 정준영(대구가톨릭대병원), 김한나(서울아산병원), 장경희(평촌성심병원),전지원(삼성서울병원)
11:35-11:45 Update in Cardiac Rhythm Devices 강민경(메드트로닉)
11:45-11:55 Evolusion of the ICD in the stream of times 김선(보스톤사이언티픽)
11:55-12:10 Discussion